
A mostrar mensagens de 2017

Simian Line child, is it a good or a bad thing?


2017 My last exam


Catholics and Simian Liners


AI Should we worry?

Can Artificial Intelligence be a good or a bad thing? I wonder what others think and also a bit worried with the amount of people unaware of it! Check my VIDEO HERE

Rayo de luz ilumina Piramide Chichén Itzá


Rayo de luz ilumina Piramide Chichén Itzá


Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary: Full Uncut Version 2013 HD


Brasil: extraterreste capturado vivo en Brasil

My friends, in this video i can ear clearly some men´speaking in Portuguese from Brasil and giving the fact i'm Portuguese from Portugal i can understand what they are saying pretty well. It scares me to think the creature itself near their speech sound and seems as harmfull as a ladybug. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THE ALIEN FAKE? TRUE? This is one of those videos where i can sense some sort of reality in the expression of the beeing yet nowadays images can be fully manipulated so i base my view on the amount of muscles the beeing moves when speaking and the way it moves.  There is a specific way for humans and living beeing to move and this one seems quite possible. TELL ME ALL YOUR OPINIONS

Legend of the Crystal Skulls


My ATM quest in Lisbon


My Simian Line Life DECEMBER 2017 (Video)


Simian Line subjects and myself


The Best Ghost Cases Ever Caught On Tape - FREE MOVIE


Buddhist Monk Levitation - Full Movie




Freaky Hand


Michio Kaku: Telepathy Is Easier Than You Think


Mono Humano: Oliver - Primera Parte


Poltergeist Levitation Caught on Tape in Kitchen TRUE or FALSE?


Weird red rain in India - are we aliens? part 1 - We Are The Aliens


Simian Liners all over the world


Toltec The Power of Seeing Your LIfe as a Dream


1º Oficial Q&A about Simian Lines is ON! (VIDEO)

Check if you got answers to your comments and support us by sharing, liking and subscribing to our channel. See Vídeo Here! Keep sharing cause the power of sharing is unbelievable! Love you guys

A video for the weekend. First oficial Q&A about Simian Lines!

To all my Simian Line friends or just curious, I will upload a new video in an hour or less with the biggest and first official Q&A one regarding our genetic trace. More news soon, im sure if you commented i address you! Love you all and don't forget to leave a like, comment and subscribe. Follow us here and subscribe our RSS feed! 

Aliens and Simian Line UNLOCKING series Ep4 Pain can be a good thing

Hi guys, another unlocking moments from my series on youtube where i find, connect and share with simian liners all over the world my story and how i got here and how my understanding of things were and how i will keep searching for answers regarding this Line, spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally,  Follow me on this journey!

Magneto in Auschwitz extermination camp

Why is this connected with the Simian Line? Check my latest video on Youtube SOON TODAY  and find out more! All of you will have access to the vlog here as soon as it uploads. 

What if we are the Aliens?

A lot fo people think its idiotic to think we were changed geneticly but thats exactly what we are doing now. Can we be the ones who changed once upon a time our own DNA? To survive space? Another Planet and life conditions? Could humans be the aliens everyone talks about? VIDEO THAT SHOWS SOME OF OUR DEVELOPMENTS

Native Americans and the 5 genders

According to some Histories and Legends the Native Americans were contacted by aliens who passed them our trace, the Simian Line. So according to their traditions regarding sexual knowledge they were gifted on embracing what in today's society is a struggle. Interesting on how and where that knowledge comes from giving the fact that spirituality and understanding of the world's energy were much more developed then than now a days. Visit ou Facebook page HERE

AI vs Humans NEW VIDEO!


Connected, but alone? | Sherry Turkle

This is one of the most eye opening speech you and any child can hear so we as humans learn that technology maybe is not meant as it is used for. I know she is right, you know, we all know! LETS CHANGE THE WORLD

Are you connected to me? Do it!


Are Psychics true?

John Edwards Teresa Caputo Char Margolis The Psychic twins These are some of the people i follow cause after all they may not be truly psychics but for sure they are entertaining to watch. I would say that they live amazing lives all based in something no one can feel, touch or see... the Spirits world! What do you think on all these people? Are they real? Do they have supernatural powers or a special connection with the beyond? Leave your opinion

Simian Line Channel UPDATE (Video)


What does 666 means under the Vatican´s eye


HISTORIC MOMENT IS CONFIRMED Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci sold for 400 Million Dollars today!

Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci  sold today by a Phone buyer Christie´s for 400 MILLION DOLLARS




Parece incrível que já na antiga Suméria existia pelo menos um entendimento da anatomia e morfologia humana. Irônico que um dos deuses aqui representados possua uma linha Simiana pelo que se assume que seria algo em particular ou apenas a pessoa que esculpiu esta placa se baseou na linha de alguém em particular ou em si mesmo. O que acham acerca disto? Será que os Sumérios tinham contato privilegiado com Alienigenas? Deixam a vossa opinião e partilhem estas e outras questões com outras pessoas.



SIMIAN LINE Family test

Does any of your children has a Simian Line? In the picture above you can see clearly how to recognize if your child is a Simian Line carrier. Check our vídeos and latest posts for more info and WELCOME to our WORLD.

Stories and Legends about THE SIMIAN LINE

O site na web que poderá mudar a forma como vê a sua linha na mão CLICK THE EYE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE

World Simian Liners




Sabiam que existe um filme com o título de THE SIMIAN LINE


Aliens and Simian Line UNLOCKING SERIES (VIDEO)

In the look for answers I hope all of you that read this article can connect and share your story or experience. 

New Youtube Channel Cover SIMIAN LINE

Dedicated to my search over the Simian Line! Do you like the new cover? Soon more personalized things for our Channel Celebration. If you are a Simian Liner here is a place for us to talk and make questions. Best Regards to all

Example of a Simian Line crease in your hand


Show me your hands!

This is a good text i found describing the Simian Line. Most hands have three easily noticeable lines, the earth (life), which runs around the ball of the thumb and two transverse lines, the water (heart) and air (head) lines. A simian line occurs when the water and air lines fuse and join, to become one transverse line only across the palm. The name simian line originates from Latin  simia,  meaning ape. Yet interestingly, the association is inaccurate as, like humans, the hands of monkeys and apes have more than one transverse lines, without any simian line formation. In chirology the meaning of this marker relates to character traits but it also has significant scientific relatedness to medical chromosomal disorders such as Down’s syndrome. Apparently around 55% of people born with Down’s Syndrome have this lineal formation. Our water lines relate to what we feel, and our air lines, to what we think. The impression here is that the functions of feeling (water) and th

Simian Liners USA

ROBERT DE NIRO Robert De Niro, presumably, has close friends. But don't expect to hear about them, or the star himself for that matter. The notoriously private icon is an "Actor", not a celebrity. And just because he's been in a few comedies of late -scoring with  Analyze This  and missing with  The Adventures Of Rocky & Bullwinkle  -don't think he's gone soft. Robert De Niro was born on August 17, 1943, in New York City, to Robert De Niro Sr, an abstract expressionist artist, and Virginia Admiral, a painter. An actor from age ten, Robert appeared as the Cowardly Lion in a local production of  The Wizard Of Oz,  and then, after dropping out of high school, went on to study with renowned figures in the world of theatre. De Niro flourished under the tutelage of Lee Strasberg - one of the greatest forces in method acting - and then at the famed Stella Adler Studio Of Acting. He paid his dues off-Broadway but soon established himself as a master of disgu

Simian Liners UK

TONY BLAIR Tony Blair (1953 - ) Double Simian Lines Blair was prime minister for a decade from 1997 - 2007. He is responsible for moving the Labour Party from the left towards the centre ground of British politics, resulting in an unprecedented three consecutive terms in power for the party. Anthony Blair was born on 6 May 1953 in Edinburgh. Educated at Oxford University, he became a barrister and in 1983 was elected Labour member of parliament for Sedgefield. He soon became identified with a group of self-conscious party 'modernisers' (which also included Gordon Brown and Peter Mandelson), who sought to make Labour more acceptable to the electorate by repudiating its association with the trade unions, unilateral nuclear disarmament, public ownership and high taxation. In 1994, following the unexpected death of then leader John Smith, Blair became Labour Party leader after Gordon Brown stood aside to avoid splitting the pro-modernising vote in the leadership bal

Was Jesus Christ a Simian Liner?

What do you think? Será possível que façamos parte de uma linhagem perdida? Existem teorias de que Jesus Cristo e os seus poderes existiam devido ao facto de ele poder ser de outro planeta? Se Jesus Cristo era de outro planeta e cruzou os seus genes com humanos do Planeta terra iria criar certamente diferenças genéticas. Parece que esta história tem muitos detalhes estranhos ou escondidos da maioria da população. Este é o meu percurso nesta viagem à procura de explicações. Eu sou um Simian Liner e tu?

Simian Line videos "Are you connected?"


Aliens and Simian Line UNLOCKING series


Biologic Alien Technology

Aliens and Simian Line

Genetic Simian Line!?

Simian Line a Genetic Mix?

Simian Line short story

Star or Aliens?